“And I’ll tell you something else that we do, us minstrels and jugglers, acrobats and fools, we interact with more people than those I call Rag, Tag & Bobtail. We can’t help it. And that makes us better listeners, more warm-hearted and benevolent, more willing to understand others. In short, better at communicating with people of different backgrounds.

We possess better people skills than your average Rag Tag. They’ll fucking hate that, won’t they? But screw them. It’s true”

出自Karl Wiggins 《Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe》

“And I’ll tell you something else that we do, us minstrels and jugglers, acrobats and fools, we interact with more people than those I call Rag, Tag & Bobtail. We can’t help it. And that makes us better listeners, more warm-hearted and benevolent, more willing to understand others. In short, better at communicating with people of different backgrounds.

We possess better people skills than your average Rag Tag. They’ll fucking hate that, won’t they? But screw them. It’s true”